June 18, 2014

Student enrichment: Linking to Industry – Clerkship Masterclass

As part of our career support program, the Monash Law Faculty piloted a day-long ‘Clerkship Masterclass’ for high achieving students about to start summer clerkships at law firms.

Our librarians assisted students in honing their practical legal research skills. Senior practitioners from the legal profession were also invited to share their insights, strategies and tips on working in a law firm. Monash Law alumni, Ms Nancy Collins and Ms Meagan Grose from Arnold Bloch Leibler, presented on Memo Writing, and Ms Jade Rowarth, a partner at Maddocks and a Monash Law alumna, outlined the nature of her work in mergers and acquisitions in her presentation: Getting the Deal Done.

The Law Institute of Victoria was invited to brief students about professional services offered by the LIV to assist young lawyers.  Finally, in the best tradition of peer to peer learning, students who had already completed clerkships at major firms shared their experiences and their tips for success.

Not surprisingly, the Masterclass proved to be very popular, with 36 students from the LLB and the JD cohorts attending the Monash University Law Chambers for the day.

As so many students from Monash are successful in securing competitive clerkships, the Law Faculty is very keen to ensure that our students get the most out of the Clerkship Masterclass experience. This is both to assist students succeed in their future careers and also as a useful educational experience in its own right – facilitating the transition from academic legal studies into legal practice. The Faculty plans to continue to offer the Clerkship Masterclass ahead of each Summer and Winter clerkship period.

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