June 18, 2014

Celebrating achievement: Farewell Ms Janet White and Welcome Ms Kerrie Weippert-Rowe as Faculty General Manager

The Faculty recently farewelled former Faculty Manager, Ms Janet White, who retired after a cumulative seven years in this role, split over two periods of service in the last decade.

Ms White made a significant contribution to the Monash Law Faculty and its wider community through her dedication, tireless work and mission to assist with the Law Faculty’s ongoing success. For instance, Ms White had a key role in the relocation, design and refurbishment of the Monash University Law Chambers (MULC) at 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne which opened in 2011. MULC has already proven to be a highly regarded premises for postgraduate teaching, Faculty internal and external events and as a venue for external use and hire.

Driven by her passion for assisting disadvantaged and marginalised populations, Ms White strongly advocated for and implemented the Faculty’s equity pursuits. For example, thanks in large part to Ms White’s efforts, the Dodson Indigenous Juris Doctor Scholarship was introduced this year, in the Faculty’s 50th anniversary, to support postgraduate Law studies for an Australian Indigenous student.

The Faculty wishes to thank Ms Janet White for her hard work and many varied achievements as Faculty Manager.

We also wish to welcome Ms Kerrie Weippert-Rowe as our new Faculty Manager. Ms Weippert-Rowe commenced in this position in late April as a very experienced manager in the tertiary and public sectors, with more than 25 years of experience in higher education, state and local government, and industry. Ms Weippert-Rowe comes to the Faculty from her previous position as General Manager, Corporate and Community Services for the Borough of Queenscliffe. Prior to this she spent seven years as a Faculty Manager during her time at Queensland University of Technology. The Faculty is very pleased to introduce Ms Weippert-Rowe and we are very much enjoying working with her in our milestone 50th anniversary year.

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